Fun Fact _systms™ Fun Fact _systms™

Fun Fact - Woo-Sah

I have made it my job as a Photographer to become the “Wooo-Sahhh” for your business, your biggest fan and the chaos wrangler. Long story short, I got you, girl.

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Fun Fact _systms™ Fun Fact _systms™

Fun Fact - Kindness

I believe that you may be the only kindness someone may come across in a day, so it’s my purpose in life to make everyone smile. My laughs can be heard from across a reception hall and I stopped apologizing for it a long time ago.

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Fun Fact _systms™ Fun Fact _systms™

Fun Fact - Assistant

I am the assistant to a 3 year old, an obsessor of planting and maintaining succulents and if it’s wrapped in a tortilla, I will instantly order it. I have a rescue dog with the largest ears to date and a Husband who has always been the calm for my persistent and pesky anxiety.

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